Hello Everyone,

I enjoyed seeing you all Monday night. Yay us!

If you missed rehearsal, I am sorry to say that I recorded exactly 8 seconds of me staring blankly into my computer screen…not helpful to anyone. I paused the recording during our Happy Half Hour and when I THOUGHT I restarted it at 7:30ish I apparently was not successful. Ah well, apologies.

Karla has updated our website with all of the project information and guide tracks that you will need to record movements 3 and 4 of Snow Angel. Movements 3 and 4 due 11/23/20 (deadline extended to 11/25) Thank you, Karla!

Also, on our website under the concerts tab is information about our Dec. 5th collaborative performance with UNCC and Meredith College.

Thank you, Kathleen, for your helpful technique lesson. I have one of those rubber band thingies and all this time I thought it was just for putting my house key on my wrist. I’m pretty sure yours must be magic though, cause when I stretch mine to my eye brows, high notes decidedly do not sound…but you gave me (us) fun exercises to work on improving my (our) tense, tired, and/or nonexistent high notes.

Thank you, Deb, for your glorious Dishin’ with Deb segment tonight. Your words were so inspiring. Thank you!

Thank you, Jasmine, for your beautifully prepared and delivered introductory lesson for The Angel. Your reassurances were very encouraging. Don’t anyone worry! We will have lots of repetition and under Jasmine’s expert guidance sound like the Russian chess players in The Queen’s Gambit, not to mention beautifully singing our music. I’m already having fun learning from our very own WVC Russain scholar.

Looking Ahead to 11/23/20

We will focus most heavily on Snow Angel movements 1 and 2 since that is our next recording submission date (12/14/20). We will have sectionals for about 30 minutes so bring your questions regarding pitch, rhythm, phrasing – any concerns.

We will review/learn to speak the opening phrases of The Angel (Jasmine, we will need your help!)

If we have time, we will sing through So Many Angels!

I will take us on a whirlwind behind-the-scenes virtual choir creation tour and give you a glimpse of the process from my perspective.

We will spend about 15 minutes in our Angel Gallery groups at the end of our time together.

Looking Ahead to 11/30/20

We will again focus on Snow Angel movements 1 and 2, but this time all together unless after 11/23 the section leaders let me know that we need more time in sectionals.

We will read through Izar Ederrak (please let me know if you are a Basque language scholar!) If not, the publishers have a spoken pronunciation guide that we can use.

Kay will lead us in sharing our Angel Gallery projects in progress.

So much to look forward to!
