Dear Singers,

WVC link  here!


NEXT STEPS (To help you plan – Groups will have a few minutes for working any details out for the draft on Monday, November 23)

Finish Draft/Submit

1. Complete your lyrics and tune no later than Sunday, November 29.  It would be great if I could have them sooner!
2. Entries are welcome from individuals and/or groups.
3. Send me a copy (Voice memo would be just fine) of what you have.  This DOES NOT have to be “performance quality.”

Share Night

4. On Monday, November 30 we’ll have a “share night.” – We can use the recording you made or have a member of your group simply sing what you prepared that night.
5. When we share what we’ve done, we will welcome our members to serve as producer consultants offering ideas on how to produce the piece

a.  Any accompaniment?
b.  Unison?
c.   2-part?
d.  3 or 4 part?
e.  Percussion?
f.   Solo or ensemble?
g.  What pictures might work?
h.   Additional verse?

Final Production

Details on our production schedule will be available within the next week.


We plan to have both the combined Gallery and the individual pieces on our Web-site by the end of the semester.  Feel free to share either or both as small gifts to those who might need an “Angel Among Us.”

Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President