Dear Singers,
Hope everyone had a wonderful week. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night.
Special Opportunity – Pauline Robinson has 100s of daffodil bulbs ready to plant that she has kindly offered as a fundraising opportunity for Women’s Voices Chorus. These are all-white “Thalia” bulbs. Available for $5 per sq ft, ~ 10 bulbs. They are all cleaned up, healthy, and ready to bloom next spring. The catch is that they need to be planted in the next three weeks. We will be accepting cash, check or Venmo. Thanks everyone and thank you to Pauline!
Pecan Sales – Pecan orders are due by November 6th for delivery before Thanksgiving. There will be a second deadline of December 4th for delivery later in December. The forms will also be available on the Tour Fundraising page of the website here (you need to be signed into the member site first):
DEIA Survey – To date, the response rate for the survey has been only 42%. We would greatly appreciate you taking a moment to complete the survey. In order to get a more representative response, we will extend it until next Friday, November 10th. The responses will be used by the committee to make recommendations to the Board about diversity issues moving forward so we would like to be sure we have input from the majority of the membership. Even if you do not want to answer all of the questions, please do what you can so your opinions/suggestions are considered.
Concert Ads – It is time again to prepare our next concert program, which means time to consider selling or buying ads or tributes for the program. Please consider approaching vendors you know well and asking them to support the arts in this way; it allows them to get their message to our loyal audience and brings our name into the community. It also helps us spread the financial support of the chorus beyond our members and families/friends, something most members say they would like us to do. Most importantly, with ads we can continue producing a hard-copy program, which is a valuable addition to our audience’s enjoyment of our concerts. This cannot happen if you do not ask. Prices and procedures have not changed from last year; please use the attached forms, which are available on the WVC website “Store” page, here.
Table Sales –Our next sale will be November 20 (Holiday Hoopla)
Shout-out – This week we would like to thank Mariah Howe (Soprano 1) who did a phenomenal job on the graphics for our upcoming concert. I cannot wait for you all to see the finished product. Thank you Mariah.
Zoom Link for Rehearsal: You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
See you tomorrow night!
Janet Huebner,
PS I neglected to announce that there will be a Mezzo Sectional tonight at 6:45PM. See you then.