Hello Everyone,

Many thanks to Kay and Deb for leading rehearsal on Monday night.

I hope everyone who is sick is feeling much better. And I hope that everyone who is traveling has a great time while they are away. And I hope that we are all back together again SOON!

We had our challenges hearing on Zoom but thank you everyone for getting that set up and for doing your best to help us out. I was able to follow most of what was happening and hear some music, too. It sounded like those who were in person had a productive and fun rehearsal.

These are Kay’s notes from rehearsal (thanks, Kay!):

We had only a few singers when we started sectionals, so we combined the two alto parts.
We worked on:
Sparks, p. 18
To Sit, p. 8
Big Dogs – unisons and forward placement for A melodic material, matching unison/octave
Gloria – text/rhythm m 121-123

1. Tundra – mm 28-57, emphasized voice pairing, esp at letter E
2. How Can I Keep From Singing – everything but “la las” Worked on the word “singing”
and the crescendos coming up to it
3. Big Dogs – Sang through whole song, worked on making the story telling diction come
through and starting sections in time
4. Sparks p. 18, Worked on hearing consonances and dissonances and paired voices
5. Spes – Virginia reviewed the pronunciation and we sang through mm. 73-104
6. Gloria – Sang through the piece, worked on rhythm and text, mm. 121-123. Sara
reminded the choir about pure vowels. We’ll need more on both rhythms, clean voices
and unified onsets and cut-offs
7. To Sit and Dream – p. 8 worked on finding the opening pitch and entering cleanly. They
did well on this page!
8. March – Worked on diction on the “half note measures” Sang through twice. Let the
singers know if we are or are/not repeating the intro measures between verses. The answer is we will not have an interlude between the verses. We will use mm. 1-3 as an intro and then hear it again at the end after we sing verse

Looking Ahead to 10/30/23

Sparks of Divinity – Review S1 and S2 ‘sparks’ in sectionals. Review all for everyone
Tundra – review all
Mah Dodech Midod – review all, review the Hebrew pronunciation
Spes – work on text pronunciation and review all.
How Can I Keep From Singing? – review all – work on tempo (the rit. sections are too slow) and dynamics
Gloria from Missa Criolla mm. 1-47, mm. 96-137 – work on text pronunciation and also A2s correct pitches in mm. 30, 32, 34, etc. – should sing a G and not the A with the A1s.
To Sit and Dream – review all
You’ve Got a Friend in Me – review all

Chamber Choir – we will work on both pieces, and hopefully move to mixed formation. 🙂

If anyone needs help with anything (especially if you are home sick), please let us know so that we can help however we can.
