Dear Singers,
WVC link here!
Be sure and add your prefix: S1, S2, Al, A2.
Angels Among Us Gallery Project
For this week, come prepared for starting on our Angels Among Us Gallery Project. We’re planning on random assignment in groups of about 5 for the last half hour when we work on the project. If you have someone that you’d really like to have in your group, for whatever reason, send me a quick email, and I’ll make sure you’re in the same group. Otherwise, we’ll let Zoom group us!
Things to do at Monday’s rehearsal:
- Someone in the group needs to record the group’s ideas. Voice memo on someone’s phone would work just fine. A quick scribe and a little staff paper are also a choice. Once you get to your melody, make it as original as possible. (I know musicians have stolen each other’s material for as long as there have been musicians – do your best.)
- Someone in the group needs to put the names of the group members in the chat so we can put the group together again in a couple weeks when we work again on the project.
- Attached is a list of angel quotations. Of course, original texts are encouraged, but the quotes give you a fall back. Feel free to modify any quotations; these do not have copyright issues.
- We’ll need pictures of Angels Among Us and/or original art that we could include in our Gallery. I’ve already gotten some material. We would be delighted if some of our Angels are also WVC members!
- There’s no rule against working “outside of class,” submitting more than one idea, or asking another WVC member to help out in any capacity
For those of you already focused on the final project:
- Remember, no project can exceed 8 measures!
- Completed projects can be turned in any time up until December 21. (We’ll try and schedule a listening to the drafts “party” before then.)
- For your group’s final production, we recommend solid colors if you want to include yourselves in the video (except, of course green and white.) All the same color is fine, so is different or whatever color scheme you come up with.
- We will provide links on our website to each individual project once it’s assembled.
- Laura has agreed to make a “combined video” with all the Angels Among Us Pieces, artworks and photos. (Yay, Laura!) Completion date TBD.
All Hands
Thanks to all the Board Members who made presentations last week, especially for Karla’s clear and brief website tour. (Karla’s virtual toaster’s in the mail!)
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President