Dear Singers,

All Announcements are reminders again this week!

Music Update

Please discard “Unsung Saint.” (See note from our Artistic Director for the explanation.)  We will announce the plans for replacing it with “How can I Keep from Singing” as arranged by Gwyneth Walker.

Zoom Participants

For those joining us through Zoom, we’re still using the same Zoom access. WVC link  here!

Special Meeting at the Beginning of Rehearsal

There will be an all-hands meeting on Monday, October 25th at the startof rehearsal (presentation/discussion of season plans, concert, fund development, and in-reach)

No Rehearsal  Election Day Eve

Reminder that there will be NO REHEARSAL on Monday, November 1st.

Announcements and Rehearsal Notes

Both Announcements and Rehearsal Notes can be found on the members only page of our website.  This should help those who are quick with the delete button or have a problem with incoming emails.

Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President

PS Our fantastic music librarian, Nancy Donny, says she’ll have the new piece of music to distribute before and after practice tomorrow, October 25.  It will also be available on Nov. 8 or by special arrangement with Nancy!