Hello Everyone,
Thanks for a wonderful rehearsal – great work, everyone!
This is going to be a bit short because I need to get ready to head up to Boone to help clear out some flooded houses.
Rehearsal Reflection:
Here in My Heart mm. 103-152
– mm 115-116 stagger breathing
– take breaths at the end of mm. 128, 136, 144
– note the S1/S2 part crossings on pages 11 and 12
– minimize the final R in lingers, brighter
– the syncopations are much improved – we will target some that are still problematic next time we rehearse this piece.
I Love You/What a Wonderful World mm. 79-end
– we covered a lot of ground tonight, adding the ensemble part (staves 5&6). Nice job with that! I would like for everyone to know both parts – the Chorus part and the Ensemble part so that we have the greatest flexibility in what we ultimately decide for the performance. Thank you for learning both parts!
– note the tempo changes
– m. 55, S1 sing F# – E (half notes). It is what is written on the 5th staff for the S1s.
– go ahead and practice the solo part if you are interested in auditioning. I will want to choose a soloist before November 4th – more info to come.
Measure Me, Sky! mm. 56-69
– Epic! Love hearing you sing this piece.
– when we reviewed from the beginning we had difficulty with page 9 – we will review that together but please have a look at that individually when you are practicing on your own.
– We will want to find the quieter parts of this song and also work to shape the phrases throughout.
Nigra Sum mm. mm. 83-end
– page 9 change the text ‘terrat’ to ‘terra’
– we will need to work through the cadences on this piece so that we stay together! There were a few places that we rushed through the breaths, especially mm. 64, 69, 74, 82
– we needed to explore our quietest singing on this piece! I don’t think that we have yet found it – but we will!
Sky Dances mm. 67-end
– this piece is really coming along – sounds magical!
– we lost our way a bit on page 6 so let’s take a look at that section
– tricky rhythms are sounding much more confident – still need to work on ‘bears.’
– we need to be very gentle about singing the 64th notes. Listen to the MUSE recording for inspiration – they sing this aspect so well!
Some Glad Morning mm. 60-101
– we will spend time on this next rehearsal and work out the questions on pitches/rhythms
Looking Ahead to 10/14/24:
Some Glad Morning mm. 60-101
Honour the Earth mm. 119-147 (end)
I Am mm. 68-105
Sing Wearing the Sky mm. 68-82
We will review any and all other pieces as time allows.
Chamber Choir
We will work through questions/challenges that I heard on both pieces. Let me know where you are having troubles!
We will also work on unifying our tone, especially on Earth Song.
Already looking forward to our next rehearsal!