Dear Singers,

Special thanks to Laura, Deb and all the folks who made our first combined in-person/zoom rehearsal possible.  It was a lovely evening!

FOR MONDAY NIGHT – DOORS OPEN at 7 pm and close at 7:30 pm.  Please do your best to come within that time period.  If you arrive after 7:30 pm, text Brenda Edwards at (919) 475-1163 or Marsha Ferguson at (919) 491-3946 to gain access to the rehearsal.

Dues, Music and Vaccination Cards

We were able with everyone’s help to check off vaccination cards, get music passed out, receive dues and get the chairs in place, so that we could start the rehearsal promptly.

We still have just a few folks that need to take care of some of these steps.  Please come as close to 7 pm as possible if you need to take care of any of these.

Safety Reminder and Information

In-person attendees: please keep social distancing in the building.  We’re most concerned about the time before the rehearsal actually starts.

Brenda Edwards has graciously agreed to take photos of us at each rehearsal, so that, should we learn that a member has contracted Covid, we have a record of where each member is sitting relative to that individual.

We need a little help

  1. Door monitors – See Brenda Edwards ( if you can help with monitoring the entry door from 7-7:30.  We’re hoping to have enough volunteers, so that no one has to do this on a regular basis.
  2. Care for latecomers – See Brenda Edwards ( if you’re willing to let in latecomers who would text you (in advance, if at all possible) or at the door when they arrive.
  3. Tech Support – Thanks to Diane Wold who monitored our zoom session for our first rehearsal and has written instructions to help future monitors.  Amy Glass (in person) and Jasmine Trinks (on zoom) will be supporting our Zoom participants this week.  Please see Kay Johnson if you would be willing to help monitor the zoom streaming either in person or remotely.  I will use the list of names from registration, but would appreciate hearing from you if you are still willing to help.  We want to rotate this task, so that most weeks you can concentrate on the rehearsal.

Fall Retreat Cancelled

The Board has decided to cancel the fall retreat.  We felt that we can  make good progress on the music with our regular rehearsals and that the safety concerns related to how long we can sing together and the limitations on sharing food together were sufficiently demanding to reduce the benefit both musical and social from our usual retreat.

Zoom Participants

For those joining us through Zoom, we’re still using the same Zoom access. WVC link  here!

Zoom Notes – Make sure you mute yourself (look for the red line through the picture of the microphone.)
– Once the rehearsal starts, we won’t be able to move the screen shot.
– There is sound distortion on Zoom – we’ll set it up as best we can, but the sound distortion is the result of Zoom’s noise cancellation algorithm which we can’t change.

Looking forward to seeing you and hearing from volunteers!

Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President