Dear Singers,

We’re looking forward to hearing a lovely choral “us” tomorrow night!

As a reminder, our information-filled Returning Member Welcome Letter is here.

First Night Preparation – In person

Please come early (7pm or after) and we’ll be set up for offering a safe and musical  start to our year. For those singing in person, please bring your vaccination record, mask, pencil, and pen (we will have extras available if needed), water bottle, and dues payment. We will not be sharing folders at this time, so you may want to bring something to hold your music. Note that we will be asking you to sign that you have read and agree to our Covid health policies found in the Welcome Letter.  Remember, the instructions on where to park and enter Binkley Baptist Church are included at the end of the Welcome Letter.

First Night Preparation – Through Zoom

For those joining us through Zoom, we’re still using the same Zoom access. WVC link  here!

For tomorrow night, Diane Wold will be admitting those who are attending virtually and she will also be following the chat, so that questions or comments that you have can be passed on to the appropriate person in a timely manner.  Should you be able to join in person in a future week, be sure to bring your vaccination card to the first in person rehearsal you attend.


Thank you to everyone who has already paid dues. If you plan to pay by credit card, consider paying online ahead of time at If you plan to write a check, please have it written out before you arrive. If you have any questions or would like to make alternate financial arrangements, contact Karla Byrnes (

I am excited to sing together with you and looking forward to a safe and rewarding evening together!

Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President