Hello Everyone, Once again, I enjoyed our rehearsal! If you missed (we missed you!). Here is the YouTube link of our rehearsal: https://youtu.be/mQFl6v4PM9Y. Because I was with the A2s for sectional rehearsal, that is what is recorded. If you don’t have time for anything else, I encourage you to watch the second half of rehearsal when we had Sarah Quartel as our guest artist. Hearing from Sarah was such a lovely treat as she gave us many insights to her creative process and information specifically about her composition, Snow Angel – and all from her home in Canada. Thank you to Deb, Laura D. and Lara for your contributions in leading our sectional rehearsals and thanks to all who participated in our music-making. Our next recording project is Angel of Mercy. Recordings are due on Monday, October 19th. For this project, wear either red or black, please. We won’t need images from members (unless you have some of yourself involved in the work of the Red Cross). 10/12 Rehearsal Focus: All: Angels of Mercy Sectionals: (S, M, A): Rise and Stand (I will have part specific recordings ready by next week) All: Snow Angel (sing through all 5 movements – mark your scores regarding any challenges with which you would like some help) Jackie Walters will lead the second half of our rehearsal with her Red Cross presentation (can’t wait!) 10/19 Rehearsal Focus All: Rise and Stand Sectionals: (S1, S2, A1, A2): Snow Angel (answer any remaining questions) Our second half of rehearsal isn’t confirmed so stay tuned! I look forward to seeing you at our next rehearsal! Cheers! LJ Hello Everyone, Me again! I forgot to include the link to the virtual project that Sarah Quartel mentioned – a virtual premier of a commissioned project she worked on earlier this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpZcWwOEwqY Cheers! LJ