Hello everyone,

Hope you all had a good week and enjoyed the weekend.  Not many announcements this week.

Tour to Ireland – August 2024 – Thank you everyone for turning in the Tour Commitment Form. I am delighted to announce that 36 members (60% of the membership) have committed to represent Women’s Voices Chorus on our International Concert Tour. From this point on, Jackie Walters, our Tour Manager, will disseminate all Tour announcements/communications in a separate email.  You should have received a test message from the newly created Google Group (WVC Tour) last Thursday.  If you did not receive this email, please email Karla (kmkbyrnes@gmail.com) or Jackie (jjwalters.silverspring@verizon.net).  We look forward to preparing for this adventure with the entirety of the membership, from exploring the music of Ireland to planning and participating in events aimed at raising funds to insure that all members who wish to participate are able.

DEIA Survey – Thank you to everyone who responded to the DEIA survey.  We had a 75% response rate.  Your comments will be very helpful to guide the work of the DEIA committee.  A summary of the results as well as an introduction to the work of the DEIA committee will be presented at the retreat on October 21st.

Health and Safety – Thank you all for continuing to be mindful of your health status and protecting members of our community. This will be especially important as we enter the colder months. All singers who are sick should stay home and Zoom if possible.  If you must miss a rehearsal, please be sure to notify your section leader and membership liaison.  The details regarding the Attendance Policy is on p4 of the Chorus Handbook. No more than four absences are permitted during the Winter semester and three during the Spring semester.  Attendance via Zoom will count as ½ an absence.

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow night!


Janet Huebner,
President, Women’s Voices Chorus