1) Welcome New Members! We are excited to welcome these singers to our chorus:Mary Fernandez (S1), Claire Hermann (S1), Jenn Collins (S2), Marsha Ferguson (S2), Elizabeth Lacey (S2), Jasmine Trinks (A1).
2) Social: Please plan to stay after rehearsal (9:30-10:00) to get to know our new members and returning members during our beginning-of-year social! We could still use sparkling water for the social. Feel free to bring some along!
3) Dues & Music: New members, and those who did not pick up music on 8/26, should take care of this before rehearsal Monday. Remember your first dues installment of $50 must be paid in order for you to receive your music. We can take cash, check or credit cards. If you need to make special arrangements for dues, please contact Karla <>.
4) Parking: There are 3 handicapped parking spaces in the lot next to our rehearsal building. Please make these spaces available for our singers who really need them. Some members really appreciate being able to park close to our rehearsal space. Exercise is good for us, let’s park behind the building across Rosemary St. if possible. See Cheryl Denardo if you need a parking pass for the Holy Trinity parking lots.
5) Name Tags: Any returning members who need a new name tag should contact Meg Berreth (
6) Practice files: The sib/mp3 practices files are uploaded and ready to go. Part splits for some of them may change in the next few weeks. We have awesome proofreaders, but occasionally we miss something, so if you see anything that needs fixing or if any links aren’t working, please let Karla ( know right away. Be sure to check out the pronunciation, recordings, and YouTube links page linked from the main scorch page.
7) Jubilation Celebration: Save Sunday afternoon, October 6, from 1-3 for at our special event celebrating our new Artistic Director and our sisterhood! More information to follow.
8) Chamber Choir Auditions: Sept 16, from 9:30-10:00. Expect details from Laura Sam.
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President