Greetings everyone!
I am very much looking forward to our first full rehearsal tomorrow night and would like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest sisters:
Marissa Goodall S1
Genevieve DeAlmeida S2
Ellie Bautista S2
Pauline Robinson A1 (returning – yay!)
Debbie Russell A2
Megan Hast A2
We are so excited to have you join us and look forward to getting to know you all!
Announcements: Each Sunday, I will be sending out an announcement (just like this) to the membership that contains a lot of information relevant for the upcoming week. Please take a moment to read the email. This method of communication allows us to cover all of the necessary details for the week without having to use precious rehearsal time. There will be a very brief announcement in the middle of rehearsal each week for the most pertinent material. The group email service may be used to send announcements about other nonprofit and music-related activities you are involved in, however, be sure to preface the subject line with “OT” (off topic). The email service may not be used for business, political, or religious purposes.
Chapel Hill Construction: Be aware that there are multiple construction projects taking place in Chapel Hill for the next 6 months or so that may impact your usual route (Read notification here). Please arrive early (7PM) to allow plenty of time to park, pay dues (if you haven’t already), pick up your music packet, and socialize with friends prior to the start of rehearsal.
Social Gathering: Tomorrow evening, we will be having a brief social at the end of rehearsal to catch up with one another and have a chance to meet our newest members. Please bring a snack to share or non-alcoholic beverages. Thank you.
Explore our website ( – Please take a few moments to explore and discover. In the members section, you will find tons of useful information. If you need help finding a particular resource, please ask your section leader. Attached is the Chorus Roster for this semester – please take a moment to check your information to ensure that it is accurate. If there are any errors, please notify Karla. I have also attached the Rehearsal schedule for your convenience.
Practice files page on website: After you log in, go the Members tab and click on Practice Files to access Laura’s weekly emails, part splits, the self-assessment form, and our Happy Birthday version. It also has two sets of tabs. The first set has YouTube links, recordings, and pronunciation helps. Scroll way down and there is a second set of tabs with the sib/mp3 practices files. We have awesome proofreaders, but occasionally we miss something, so if you see anything that needs fixing or if any links aren’t working, please let Karla know right away ( ) – specify which tab, song, and part.
Name Tags: If anyone needs a new nametag, please email our Membership Chair, Wendy Hua (, with your Name, Part, and Year Joined.
May/September Birthdays: Diane Wold (5/15), Ann Harrison (5/17), Clare Strayhorn (5/20), Marissa Goodall (5/31), Trisha Socias (9/18), Allison Mangin (9/20), Pauline Robinson (9/25), Shelley Turkington (9/27), and Ellie Sheridan (9/30).
Zoom Link for Rehearsal: You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
See you tomorrow night!
Janet Huebner,
President, Women’s Voices Chorus