Hello everyone,
Welcome back to the new season of WVC!
We are very excited to see everyone tomorrow night, Monday, Aug. 26, at our first rehearsal. Laura and the Board have been working very hard since our last concert in May to prepare for this season and it is finally here! I want to thank them all for their tremendous efforts.
Attached is a Welcome Letter containing lots of very important information so please take a moment to read it through prior to rehearsal. We hope that it answers all of your questions. Rehearsals will take place in the same rehearsal space as last season; Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 300 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill. Please arrive early (7PM) to allow plenty of time to park, pay dues (if you haven’t already), pick up your music packet, and socialize with friends prior to the start of rehearsal. Dues may be paid with cash, check, or credit card at rehearsal or online at any time here (scroll down to dues) or via Venmo (@WomensVoicesChorus) noting that the payment is for ‘dues’.
Practice files are up on our website. These are in a new format with links to YouTube videos. If you find any errors or broken links, please let Karla know (kmkbyrnes@gmail.com).
Open Rehearsal: This will be an open rehearsal for anyone interested in auditioning for WVC, so please be welcoming and open to answering any of our guest’s questions. Thank you to those of you who have offered to be hosts for our guests Monday night – your willingness to help out is greatly appreciated.
Ireland Tour: If you went on tour, we will be collecting all tour music at the first rehearsal. Please take a moment to arrange the pieces in alphabetical order and bring it with you. Kay will be collecting the music.
Following our successful concert tour, we have a survey for everyone in the chorus to complete [link]. It’s really important to hear from everyone, even if you weren’t able to go on tour this time. Your honest feedback helps us plan for the next tour and helps us convey to Music Contact International what worked well and where they can improve. Please complete your survey by September 15. Your tour committee thanks you!
Welcome Back Social: Please plan to join us for a Welcome Back Picnic Social on Saturday 9/7/24, starting at 11am, at Solite Park in Durham (4704 Fayetteville Rd, Durham, NC 27713). Family is invited to join us during this event! Please RSVP using the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4EAFAB2EA2F9C07-50674949-welcome
When you RSVP, please indicate in the comments if you will be having a Beef burger or a Veggie burger. If RSVP’ing for multiple people, please indicate for your whole group. There is a suggested donation of $5 per attendee. You can use Square (https://womens-voices-chorus.square.site/) or Venmo (@WomensVoicesChorus) to donate, with the memo “Picnic”
Attendance: This season, attendance via Zoom will be allowed for extenuating circumstances such as illness or travel, but will count as ½ an absence. You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
Have a great evening!
See you all tomorrow night 😊