In this uncertain and tumultuous time, it is more important than ever that we foster a sense of community through song. WVC may not be able to rehearse in person or hold concerts for now, but we have some exciting plans on deck for the coming season! We’re looking forward to an innovative, fun, and learning-filled fall/winter semester with a wide range of activities planned for us by our Artistic Director. The chorus will be holding weekly online rehearsals via Zoom from August 31, 2020 through January 25, 2021.
Part of our Zoom rehearsals this semester will be geared toward preparing for our next concert “Angels Among Us”. While we do not know yet when it will be safe to hold in-person concerts again, we want to get a head start on our new repertoire. Here is a description of the theme as envisioned by our Artistic Director:
Compelling, powerful, and beautiful music amplifies the angelic theme of this season’s repertoire. Encompassing a wide range of musical styles and genres, Angels Among Us illumines the stories of angels both sacred and secular. Expressed in many languages – Russian, Basque, Slovene, Latin, and English, the message of the messengers is multi-faceted: hopeful, healing, watchful, compassionate, merciful, loving and revealing.
We will not be auditioning new members for the first semester. Instead, WVC invited Guest Singers to participate in our weekly online rehearsals and virtual choir projects. We have reached the maximum number of participants. Stay tuned for more info about spring semester.