Dear Singers,

Good news to share!

WVC Question and Answer/Mini-Rehearsal Night – Monday, August 3 at 7:30

Our Artistic Director will hold a question and answer session on the upcoming season for interested WVC singers and interested guests on Monday, August 3.  The session will share elements of our upcoming rehearsals so you can get more of an idea how a rehearsal will go.  The session will be open for “getting to reknow you” from 7 to 7:30 pm with the musical rehearsal demo and question and answer session beginning at 7:30.  If you can’t make it, don’t worry, we’ll record the meeting and share the link with you.  The zoom link information is attached at the end of this email.  I’ll resend a reminder next Sunday in case this one gets misplaced.

Pre-Meeting ZOOM Help

For those of you who have not used zoom before or feel that you could use a little extra help, let me know and I’ll talk you through the zoom basics, so that zoom doesn’t cause you any trouble.  We’ll find a mutually agreeable time this week or before the meeting next Monday!

If you’d like a little background, there are a number of youtube videos that are useful.  For a beginner, I recommend: Zoom for Beginners.

Virtual Choir

Laura has described our work on virtual choir music as a carousel ride.  You can ride or watch and when the music stops everyone gets to choose to get on or off for the next ride.  That is, you can participate in any or all our fall rehearsals and still decide on a case by case basis if you want to submit a recording for any virtual choir piece.  She plans to start us off as a test run with a piece most of us already know from memory!

Registration Deadline Extended to August 4

Because we’re holding the Q&A session on August 3, we’ll be extending the registration deadline to August 4.  Please register even if you don’t plan to participate this fall at (log in to your member account first). There is a place to indicate that you will not be returning or to indicate a leave of absence for the semester or year.

Guest Singers

As you know, we’re not auditioning new singers this fall.  We still want to be able to welcome Guests.  The Board has established two categories for non-members –

  1. a) One-time visitors – They will be welcome at any single meeting with you.
  2. b) Guest singers – We will have an registration process so that Guest Singers can join in any or all activities for a semester.  They will receive the same announcements and information as WVC members.  There will be a $75/semester charge for Guest Singers. Once we have the count on WVC members, we will know how many Guest Singers we can include. More information and a registration link will be available soon.

Hope to see you on August 3 with the link below!

Best –

Kay Johnson, WVC President