Dear Singers,
Thank you for the support and prompt responses we received from you in our recent survey. I want to share a summary of the survey results [attached] and the good future I see for WVC. I would also like to try and allay some concerns that were expressed in the survey comments. (Don’t feel obligated to know the details of any explanation that doesn’t apply to you.)
Let me begin by letting you know that we share a wonderful group of fellow sisters who are listening and leading WVC as Board members. The group is imaginative, thoughtful, and insightful. As a Board we are especially thankful to have Laura Sam as our Artistic Director. Laura has invested in WVC by learning a multiplicity of tools to help us sing together. She’s spent hours learning about and implementing the professional tools to give us the very best in choral experience during our distance learning and singing. A respected member of the choral community, she will be leading the training in virtual choirs for the NC American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). We are lucky to share in her expertise!
New Season Registration and Plans
Registration materials will go out at the beginning of July. Please continue reading for details that may affect how you register. Our virtual fall season will begin on Monday, August 31. With a combination of group projects, sectionals, technical training (for participating in on-line rehearsals, for the steps towards a virtual choir, and for vocal methods), meet-the-composer, and some time just to chat – we’ll have plenty to do.
We were delighted by the large majority of you who are planning to join us in our new singing adventures this season! We know that some are stretched way beyond usual and will need to miss some rehearsals, take a semester or year-long leave of absence. Let me try and clarify, WVC policies regarding attendanc
- Attendance at virtual rehearsals and events is voluntary and the attendance policy temporarily suspended for the first semester. (We’ll re-examine for the second semester, based on circumstances.) While we hope you choose to participate in all that is planned, there are no “maximum” absences. Note our usual rehearsal day/time (Mondays 7:30-9:30) will remain the same for our virtual sessions. However, we know that some spend too much time in “Zoomland.” Some nights will be shorter, as different groups work on different things. Our fall retreat will be virtual and, at the moment, we’re considering holding it in bits and pieces within our Monday night schedule or for a shorter than usual time on a Saturday.
- If you pay your dues for the year, with or without a leave of absence, you will not be required to reaudition for the 2020-2021 season.
- If you request a Leave of Absence for a semester or for both semesters, we will miss you, but will not require you to reaudition so long as you return at the end of the semester/season as requested.
- If you must resign, of course, we will certainly miss you. You are welcome to reaudition in any future year.
Scholarships /Inreach and Dues
- Scholarship and Inreach funds are available for those who need them thanks to the generosity of our donors, which includes all our dues paying members! Thanks to all who are able to provide continued financial support.
- The Board has wisely set aside extra funds for scholarships this year. If you want to continue singing with WVC, but finances are an issue, we can work together to keep you with us. As always, financial assistance arrangements are confidential.
- Scholarship funds are available to those who need assistance with equipment or service provider issues in addition to those who need assistance with dues. (Note: we will be offering help to any who have technical challenges but want to continue to participate.)
- We have funds in our Inreach account to help for member emergencies.
Some expressed the thought that dues ($150) should be reduced since we will not be rehearsing together or giving an in-person concert. Yes, we will have fewer concert costs, AND we have no concert revenues. We also have additional costs related to streaming equipment, and software. The Board feels it is imperative that we continue to support our professional musicians, that is, our Artistic Director and our Pianist as much as possible. They have been there for us and we want to be here for them. Consider your dues not only as compensation for the AD investment to re-invent how we remain a chorus in a virtual world, but also as an investment in our sisterhood, leadership talent, and our future.
A summary of the budget, just approved by the Board, is posted on the website. Both your Treasurer, Karla Byrnes, and I are happy to respond to questions you might have.
Virtual Choir
A virtual choir will be one element of our work this fall. Our Artistic Director is very sensitive to our inexperience as a group in this endeavour. She has worked with her church choir and has been able to help lots of inexperienced folks. We’ll provide technical assistance to any of our sisters who need it.
In that regard, please remember that a choir is a choir because of each and every voice. Laura has stated more than once that there’s not a single voice that she would leave out of our choir. We understand that It’s a challenge to sing a part on your own. We will provide a guide track and/or an ensemble recording to help you along. Through the magic of Laura’s expertise, she’ll be able to take those individual voices and pull them together into a beautiful choir. Now, we may not be able to do tricky rhythms at the beginning, but I bet we’ll even get better with rhythms and cut-offs as we work as a virtual choir.
Thank you for your responses to our survey and support for Women’s Voices Chorus. How fortunate we are to have each other as we proceed in our new adventure!
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President