Hello Everyone,

Happy Spring Concert Eve!

I had a fabulous two days in Charlotte at NC All State Chorus – I learned so much and had a wonderful time listening to and being inspired by the music-making of over 500 high school singers and their super smart/talented clinicians. I was choir manager for the SATB chorus led by Dr. Andrew Minear from Orlando, Florida with Gwen Hall accompanying – I absorbed all of it like a sponge…(a masked and distanced sponge!)

Preparing for our concert tomorrow, when I got home this evening I listened to the recording of our Thursday night rehearsal. I felt really great on my drive home on Thursday but after listening carefully I feel even better about tomorrow. I might be too excited to sleep tonight!

Here is a sampling of what is beyond lovely:
Dynamic contrasts (most especially the crescendos and decrescendos!)
Sensitive phrasing
Balanced/blended voices and parts
Debs’s accompaniment
Talented guest musicians
Wonderful syllabic stress
Intonation (EVERYTHING is soooooooooo much more in tune! We have worked hard and it shows. There are a few places yet that we will address in our pre-concert preparations)

Anyway, I just wanted you to know how much I am looking forward to making music with you tomorrow and sharing it all with our audience.

See you soon!