Dear Singers,

Please take a moment to read through the announcements.  This is a busy time of year and there is a lot of important information listed below:

Nominations:  Tomorrow night we will vote on the slate of nominees for the 2023-24 WVC Board.  =Slate for 2023/24 –
Secretary – Diane Wold
Treasurer – Karla Byrnes
Fund Development – Anne Menkens
Music – Kate DeAlmeida
Logistics – Kinley Russell

Returning board members who do not require election for 2023/24 are:
President – Janet Huebner
Membership – Wendy Hua
Public Relations – Shelley Turkington
At large (Diversity) – Rachel Bowman-Abdi
At large (Tour) – Jackie Walters

Banquet Donations:  Please join us for the Spring Banquet on Monday, May 8th at 6:00PM at the FARM Clubhouse (Building 11 on the map listed in the link below) located at 1 Alice Ingram Circle, Chapel Hill, NC 27517. We will enjoy dinner together, listen to our spring concert, and celebrate our achievements over the past year.

There will be a box on the back table for cash/check donations and instructions for Venmo. The meal will be partially catered by Mediterranean Deli with vegetarian and GF options. Please feel free to bring drinks and desserts to share (these will not be provided by the caterer). If anyone has a sound system they could bring to the banquet, please let Wendy know as soon as possible. Laura will have a laptop available.  Thank you in advance.

Concert Month:

Ticket Sales: It’s concert month! Just a reminder that all unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, April 24th.  If you have any questions related to tickets, please see our Ticket Manager, Allison Mangin (S2).

Special Needs: If you are in need of a stool or a music stand for tech rehearsals and/or concert, please notify Marsha to make the necessary arrangements.

Concert Dress – Reminder that WVC Concert dress is all black, from collar to toe, including shoes and stockings.  If you have any questions, please see me.

Black tops (3/4 length sleeves or longer) – no beads, sequins, netting, lace, velvet, etc.
Black floor-length dress pants or skirts (no patterns, velvet, ruffles, or tiers).
Black opaque stockings/tights and black closed-toe shoes.Seasonal scarves can be purchased for $10 or borrowed – Please see Rah

Black folders are available if needed – Sue Regier will bring these to the technical rehearsals.

Volunteers Needed:

  • Non-chorus Volunteers:  Do you have a partner, friend, or teenage child who would like to help us out on the day of the concert? If so, we are in need of the following:

Ushers – need 3-4 volunteers to take tickets and help audience members as needed
Box Office Helper – need 1 person to hand out will call tickets and help the Box Office Manager with sales as needed.

Please let Marsha know if you can help fill these positions

  • Chorus Volunteers: For this concert, we will be using risers for our tech rehearsals as well as for our performance.  We will need several chorus volunteers to help fold up the risers and store them after our technical rehearsal on Thursday, April 27th and more volunteers to help set up the risers on Sunday, April 30th prior to our 1:30PM call (1PM).  So if you are able-bodied and willing to help, please plan to stay a little later or come a little early to help out. Thank you.

Tour Update:  As part of our initial survey to gauge interest in a Tour of Ireland in August 2024, many of you generously indicated that you would be willing to make donations totaling approximately $13,000 towards the Tour Fund to ensure that all members can participate. To date, we have received $2,500 in pledges. In order to determine if we have enough funds to commit to the tour by August 2023, we ask that you please complete the Pledge Form and return it by May 10, 2022. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Birthdays:  Tomorrow night, we will celebrate members celebrating April birthdays:  Karla Byrnes (4/7), Caryl Price (4/10), Mariah Hoye (4/14), Diana Coble (4/15), Christa Abedi (4/16), Sue Gidwitz (4/21), Lauren Keller (4/27), Janet Huebner (4/27), and Rah Bickley (4/30).  Happy Birthday everyone!

Shout-out:  Tomorrow night we will again celebrate Shelley Hedtke.  Shelley has been a member of Women’s Voices Chorus since 2006 and during her time with us has served on the Board in a number of capacities including Music Chair, President for 6 years, Graphic Arts liaison for 11 years, S2 membership Liaison, and Hostess of Listening Parties.  Shelley has led Women’s Voices Chorus through many transitions and we are grateful for your leadership, musicianship, and many years of friendship.  Shelley will be relocating to Texas next month to start the next chapter and will not be able to sing with us for our Spring concert.  We will miss you and wish you well on your new adventure! Thank you.

March 2023 Financial Progress

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

Thanks everyone – see you tomorrow night
