Hi Everyone,

We have one month until our concert!  For your convenience, I have attached the latest seating chart as well as a list of the music in concert order as we will be singing through our concert in order tomorrow night!

1)      Mixed Sectionals – Tomorrow night at 6:45PM

2)      Negro Spiritual Royalties Project – The Diversity Committee would like to introduce the Negro Spiritual Royalties Project. Recognizing that the original creators of spirituals were enslaved and thus cannot be compensated or even recognized, some organizations have begun to pay “royalties” whenever they sing spirituals by contributing to the education of young Black musicians. Since this spring’s concert celebrates American music traditions including spirituals, it seemed an appropriate time for WVC to begin our own donations. This spring we are contributing $250 from the Diversity Committee’s budget to the Kidznotes music education program in Durham. We would also like to invite members of the chorus to donate if they wish, and the Diversity Committee will match those donations up to an additional $250. Moving forward, every time WVC sings a spiritual, we will donate from the WVC budget a percentage of the music cost as “royalties” to Kidznotes. If you’d like to contribute to this spring’s inaugural donation, you can bring money, check, or a Venmo account to Megan Hast, who will be collecting donations until our May 4 concert, or place donations in the designated box at rehearsal.  You can also donate online at the regular WVC donations portal and designate “Spiritual Royalties Project matching funds” in the comments at checkout.

3)      T-Shirts: The “regular chorus” t-shirts are now available. Amy Glass (S2) will bring them – along with any remaining tour shirts owed – to upcoming rehearsals to hand out.

For those of you who missed the first round of ordering, or who would like to put in additional orders, the merch store is reopened now. You have until midnight on Monday April 8th to place your orders!

4)      Durham Community Sing: Please let Laura know by April 15th if you are available to sing at this event on Saturday, June 8th

5)      Final Table Sale:  April 22ndSummertime’s Calling Me Artwork: Focus on fiber arts and pottery, all artwork welcome, Travel gear – suitcases, totes, purses, wallets, and more, Books for summer reading / Seedlings & cuttings for the garden

6)      Concert Tickets – Any questions, please see Allison Mangin (S2).  All unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, April 29.

7)      Spring Banquet and Donations: Please join us for the Spring Banquet on Monday, May 6, 6:30-9:00pm at the FARM Clubhouse (Building 11 on this map) located at 1 Alice Ingram Circle, Chapel Hill, NC 27517. We will enjoy dinner together, listen to our spring concert, and celebrate our achievements over the past year. The meal will be partially catered by Mediterranean Deli with vegetarian and GF options. The cost of the catering is $28 per person. We are suggesting a contribution of $20 per person, but please pay what you can even if that’s $0. Membership funds will pay for the rest. There will be a box on the back table at rehearsals for cash/check donations or you can pay via Square, or Venmo (@WomensVoicesChorus). If you would like to bring drinks or desserts instead of or in addition to contributing (these will not be provided by the caterer) you can sign up here. Please sign up and/or make your contributions by Monday, April 29.

8)      Concert Volunteers – Many thanks to all of our supporters who have volunteered to help out at our Spring Concert: Box Office Manager and Will Call:  Jim Walters (Jackie’s husband) and Graham Russell (Kinley’s brother); House Manager and Ushers: Eugene Russell and Chip Nail (Kinley’s Dad and husband), Neil Broadwell and William Bunch (Carly’s Dad and husband), Theo Lambert (Susanna’s son) and John Byrnes (Karla’s husband). THANK YOU!!!

9)      Shout-out: This week’s shout-out is to Trisha Socias who has been managing the WVC Facebook page, making sure that concert announcements and pictures of birthday celebrants and shout-out recipients are posted.  In addition, Trisha has been helping to write thank you notes to our donors.  Thank you, Trisha for your dedicated service to WVC!  We appreciate you!

10)   Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

See you tomorrow night!