Dear Singers,

Below are the announcements for the week:

Nominating Committee: Nominations for the open Board positions have closed and the Board has approved the slate. Our Nominations Committee Chair will present the slate of nominees at tomorrow night’s rehearsal and our election will take place on Monday, April 17th.  Special thanks to our Nominating Committee: Amy Glass, Kay Johnson, and Brystana Kaufman and to all of the women who stepped up to volunteer to serve on the Board.  We appreciate you all!

Tour Update:  As part of our initial survey to gauge interest in a Tour of Ireland in August 2024, many of you generously indicated that you would be willing to make a donation toward someone else’s trip to ensure that all members can participate.  In order to determine how much fundraising will be needed and if we have enough funds to commit to the tour by August 2023, we ask that you complete the attached Pledge Form and return it by May 10, 2022. Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity. 

Concert Month:  It’s already concert month! Just a reminder that all unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, April 24th.  If you have any questions related to tickets, please see our Ticket Manager, Allison Mangin (S2).

Shout-out:  Special thanks to members of the Nominating Committee: Amy Glass, Kay Johnson and Brystana Kaufman.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

Thanks everyone – see you tomorrow night
