Hi everyone,
THANK YOU to everyone who planned and participated in the two community events last week at Hi-Wire Brewing in Durham and The Glass Jug. It was a ton of fun and a great opportunity to get out in the community while also raising some funds and interest for our Spring Concert and Ireland Tour.
1) S1 and S2 Sectional: Tomorrow night at 6:45PM
2) WVC T-shirts: Amy Glass will have some of the ordered t-shirts available tomorrow night at rehearsal.
3) Concert Tickets – Any questions, please see Allison Mangin (S2). All unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, April 29.
4) Program Ads – Please consider selling ads/tributes for our Spring program (form). Due by April 3rd. Any questions, see Anne Menkens (A1)
5) Spring Banquet: Mark your calendars. This year’s Spring Banquet will be on Monday, May 6th from 6:30pm – 9:00pm at The Farm – UNC Faculty Staff Recreation Association, 1 Alice Ingram Circle, Chapel Hill, NC 27517. Look for more information in the coming weeks.
6) DEIA Moment: The Diversity Committee would like to make sure you know about some resources available to members of WVC:
- On our website, there is a list of DEIA resources(you will need to be logged in to access it). This list now includes a Businesses tab, where you can find triangle businesses owned by women and other people from minoritized groups, so if you’d like to support women and other minoritized business owners, check it out!
- On that same page, there is a link to the Google form for comments to the Diversity Committee. This form can be used to suggest additional resources, but also to make any comments, suggestions, or concerns about DEIA known to the Diversity Committee. You can remain anonymous or leave your name.
- As always, you can access WVC’s DEIA Statement and Goalson our website.
7) Shout-out: This week’s shout-out is to Sarah Town who organized our Irish themed community fundraisers. Many thanks to you and your team for these amazing events!
Zoom Link for Rehearsal: You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
See you tomorrow night!