Dear Singers,

Welcome back, Deb!  We missed you!

Sectionals:  There will be a mixed sectional for the next two weeks from 6:45-7:25PM.  Please attend one of both and bring any repertoire questions.

WVC 2024 Tour:  Our Tour Committee Chair, Jackie Walters, is looking for any singer who is interested in serving on the Tour Committee and for any fundraising ideas that anyone would like to share.  Please contact either Jackie Walters ( or Anne Menkens ( via e-mail or at rehearsal. Please be sure to let them know by March 24th. Once the committee is in place, Jackie will communicate with individuals about upcoming committee meetings.

Nominating Committee: Nominations are open until March 27th and members can nominate themselves or others (with their permission).  Please contact Amy,, Kay,  or Brystana with your nominations.

Shout-outs:  Please join me in showing our appreciation to members of our newly formed Diversity Committee:  Rachel Bowman-Abdi, Caryl Price, Leandra Strope, Sue Gidwitz, and Anne Menkens.  This committee has been working hard to formulate goals for the chorus that foster diversity and our focus on being a welcoming environment for all.  We appreciate you!  Thank you!

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

Thanks everyone – see you tomorrow night
