Hi everyone,
Thank you to everyone for making our Spring Retreat a tremendous success and special thanks to Laura for inviting Annie to join us! It was a wonderful day!
********Alto 1 and Alto 2 Sectionals – Tomorrow evening at 6:45PM, Laura will be leading a combined Alto 1 and Alto 2 Sectional. *********
Irish-themed fundraising/outreach events:
March 13: Hi-Wire Brewing in Durham to host an Irish-themed trivia night.
March 14, we are partnering with multi-instrumentalist Eileen Regan and The Glass Jug-Downtown Durham to host an evening of live Irish music.
Please forward the email you received to friends, family, neighbors, and anyone you think might be interested. Of course, attendance is optional, but we would love to see you in your new WVC t-shirt! We appreciate all your support! Volunteers – please email or see Sarah Town (pedritasf@yahoo.com).
Concert Tickets – Ticket prices: Adult: $20, Student: $10, Group: $15 (Group rates are available for groups of 10 or more.) Mark the type of ticket sold on both the ticket and stub. Do not tear the stub. Payments:
1) Make checks out to ‘Women’s Voices Chorus’.
2) If you would like to pay for presale tickets online, you can do so at our square store (preferred) or by paying with Venmo (@WomensVoicesChorus) or PayPal (treasurer@womensvoiceschorus.org): Have ticket purchasers pay you directly and pay the total from your account. Add a note to the online payment that it is for presale tickets and include your name. Note that payment was made online on the ticket envelope.
You may return money and/or unsold tickets in your ticket envelope to Allison or your Membership Liaison at any rehearsal. Please mark your envelope with the number of tickets sold and amounts in the spaces provided. All unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, April 29.
Program Ads – Thank you to everyone who bought or sold an ad in the Winter program! Be sure to patronize the local businesses that bought an ad — here’s a link to current advertisers, for your convenience. And, please mention to them where you saw their ad — we want them to buy another one! Ad Sales for the Spring concert program will get under way soon, and if you’re interested in helping with that, please contact Anne Menkens (A1) at ajmenkens@yahoo.com. Attached is the Ad form for orders.
Fundraising Summary – Please see attached the summary of funds raised as of 2/29/2024.
Concert Volunteers Needed – we are in search of two adult, non-chorus members who would be willing to work the Box Office at our next concert. If you have a partner or relative attending the concert who would be willing to take on this role, please contact Kinely Russell at kinley.russell@gmail.com. Thank you in advance.
March Birthdays – Please join me in wishing the following singers born in the month of March the happiest of birthdays: Jackie Walters (3/4), Sarah Town (3/12), Emily Hagstrom (3/13), Virginia Kraus (3/18), Susanna Lambert (3/23), Leandra Merea Strope (3/24), Darcy Wold (3/29), Sheila Williams (3/31).
Zoom Link for Rehearsal: You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
See you tomorrow night