Dear Singers,

Explore our website ( – Please take a few moments to explore and discover. In the members section, you will find tons of useful information.  If you need help finding a particular resource, please ask your section leader.  Attached is the Chorus Roster for this semester – please take a moment to check your information to ensure that it is accurate.  If there are any errors, please notify Karla. I have also attached the Spring Rehearsal schedule for your convenience.

Practice files page on website: After you log in, go to the Members tab and click on Practice Files to access Laura’s weekly emails, part splits, the self-assessment form, and our Happy Birthday version. It also has two sets of tabs. The first set has YouTube links, recordings, and pronunciation helps. Scroll way down and there is a second set of tabs with the sib/mp3 practices files. We have awesome proofreaders, but occasionally we miss something, so if you see anything that needs fixing or if any links aren’t working, please let Karla know right away ( ) – specify which tab, song, and part.

Name Tags: If anyone needs a new name tag, please email our Membership Chair, Wendy Hua (, with your Name, Part, and Year Joined.

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

Thanks everyone – see you Monday night on Zoom!
