Hello Everyone,

So good to see your beautiful, friendly faces at rehearsal. Welcome back, everyone, and welcome to our guest members joining us for the spring. We have a grand music-making adventure in front of us.

I continue to hear very positive feedback regarding our virtual concert, Angels Among Us. To date we have had 720 views of our Angels Among Us concert and 260 additional views of Snow Angel (WVC YouTube channel and my YouTube channel) – Yay us! Angels Among Us and Snow Angel are on the WVC YouTube channel so please feel free to share the links. For me, it feels good to share art and beauty right now.

I’m looking forward to the music we will create together for the next few months.

If you missed rehearsal, this is what we covered:

To get our breath moving and to have some fun we sang the Irish game song, Rattlin’ Bog (fun times!). 

February Birthdays – Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating their birthday this month (and thank you again for celebrating me with so many wonderful remembrances on February 1st)!

I Started Out Singing

mm. 9-20
speak in rhythm
S of ‘yes’ on the rest.
speak in rhythm
eighth rests
‘shadow’ and ‘riddle’ lean on the first syllable, softer on the second syllable
Ah-primary vowel of ‘time’
‘wind that blows’ connect the consonants
‘sea’ round the vowel
mm. 39-48
speak in rhythm
S of ‘yes’ on the rests
‘started’ soften the T and R
‘out’ vowel tall and round
Ah-primary vowel of ‘smiling’
Don’t breathe mm. 43-44
‘moon’ round vowel
‘soft stare’ connect the consonants and soften the R
mm.1-48 with accompaniment

O Ignee Spiritus

  1. Latin vowels:
    A – as in father (timpanis, citharis, operaris)
    E – as in bed (ignee, et, operaris)
    I – as in ski (ignee, spiritus, tibi sit, qui, in, timpaniscitharis, opraris)
    O – as in loft (O, opraris)
    U – as in moon (spritus, qui)
    AU – similar to hour – sing the oo lightly at the very end of the note (laus)
    S always S not Z
    T is dental not aspirate
    TH is T
    R is flipped

mm. 1-50
light tone
minimize vibrato
even flow of breath moving through each phrase
mm. 33 and 43 sing like a wheel turning gently
Sing together with rehearsal video

My River Runs to Thee

mm. 1-6
speak the rhythm
‘my’ diphthong – primary vowel is Ah
‘river’ lean on the first syllable, lightly flip the R
‘thee’ and ‘sea’ rounded with vertical space
‘blue’ rounded oo
‘waits’ diphthong – primary vowel is Eh
‘reply’ RE – RIH, PLY – diphthong – primary vowel is Ah
Sing through each part separately then together
Sing together with the rehearsal video

The Birds’ Lullaby 

Sing through with performance video (on our website with the practice files)

Looking Ahead to 2/22/21

Laura Delauney will lead rehearsal (thank you, Laura!). I will be celebrating Andrew’s 60th birthday with him and by way of Zoom, friends and family will join us. We had hoped for a big trip to mark this milestone birthday…but…pandemic…so I am doing my best to make this a special one.

I Started Out Singing review mm. 1-50 then rehearse mm. 51-87.

O Ignee Spiritus review mm. 1-50 then rehearse mm. 51-103 (note that I added beats in mm. 54 and 96 for breaths – our website will have the scores with the performance markings as soon as I get those to Karla and she has a chance to post them. I’ll make sure that Laura D. has them for rehearsal – thanks for your patience as we get our spring repertoire underway).

My River Runs to Thee review mm. 1-6 then rehearse mm. 7-13.

Sectionals: (Laura D-Sopranos 1 and 2, Deb-Mezzos 3 and 4, Kay-Altos 5 and 6)

Some Glad Morning mm. 1-59 (if you have time you can continue on to the end)

As time allows, Laura may lead you through Izar ederrak, The Angel, and/or The Birds’ Lullaby.

Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of your week and hope that you stay safe and warm with more potential ice coming our way later in the week.

Virtual hugs,