Hi Everyone,
I will be traveling this week and will have to miss rehearsal so please read this week’s announcements as they will likely not be repeated at rehearsal on Monday. Now that we are at capacity, the talking during rehearsal (even whispering) makes it very difficult to hear so please limit conversations to before and after rehearsal and at the break. Thank you so much for your cooperation.
- Chamber Choir Auditions: Auditions will be at 9:30 following rehearsals. If you would like to audition for Chamber Choir, please be prepared to sing an excerpt of Shenandoah, pick up to m. 12 through m. 31 in mixed formation. (The score is in our practice files).
- Late to rehearsal? If you arrive at rehearsal after the doors have been locked, please text Kinley at 347-835-0901. Laura ‘s phone will be silenced.
- Carpooling Map: Thank you to Kinley for creating a carpooling map to help connect members who live in the general vicinity of one another.
- 2025 Winter Concert recordings: Laura has finished editing our concert videos and uploaded them to YouTube (yay Laura!). Links to the program, the full concert, and the YouTube playlist are available for sharing on the Concerts page of our website: https://womensvoiceschorus.org/concerts/. For those that have asked about CDs, the MP3s are available to download here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14DCasgroh6riK9r0bvE_GowQzj1nJMR0?usp=sharing. Let Karla (kmkbyrnes@gmail.com) know if you would like a CD but can’t burn your own OR if you are willing to burn CDs for others. PLEASE NOTE: To adhere to mechanical licensing laws, each performer is entitled to ONE copy of the recording. The link to the files should NOT be shared with anyone outside of the chorus.
- Program Ads: It is time again to prepare our next concert program, which means time to consider selling or buying ads or tributes for the program. Please consider approaching vendors you know well and asking them to support the arts in this way; it allows them to get their message to our loyal audience and brings our name into the community. It also helps us spread the financial support of the chorus beyond our members and families/friends, something most members say they would like us to do. Most importantly, with ads we can continue producing a hard-copy program, which is a valuable addition to our audience’s enjoyment of our concerts. This cannot happen if you do not ask. Prices and procedures have not changed from last season; please use the attached forms, which are available on the WVC website “Store” page, here. If you have any questions, please reach out to Rebecca Bruening (rebecca.bruening@gmail.com).
- Shout-out: Thank you to Rebecca Bruening for volunteering to be the Ad Sales Manager for WVC! These ads are critical to us meeting our fundraising goals.
- Zoom: If you need to attend rehearsal via Zoom, please remember to let Laura, your section leader and membership liaison know. You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
Thanks, everyone! See you next week.