Dear singers,

Help our sisterhood by reading through the announcements!

Several of the announcements have old headings, and new content!

1. SECTIONALS MONDAY AT 7:30: Since we’re starting off in spaces for sectionals, please remind yourself where you need to be at the 7:30 start of rehearsal!  We’re in 3-part splits

3-Part Sopranos – Sanctuary – New Building, Same place as where the sopranos met last week.

3-Part Mezzos – New Building – Room Across from the “Choir Room” at the back of the building, (Same place as where the mezzos met last time.)

3-Part Altos – Old Building – Our usual rehearsal space.

2.Summer Community Chorus: Based on the survey response (thank you section liaisons!), we’re looking for a redesign of the Summer Chorus.  Depending on space availability, we’re probably looking at more of a “run-out” concert with only WVC members participating.  We still are looking at charity alternatives and will get back to you on a specific date, time and place.  We’re thinking of a “one-day” event.

3a. Retreat: Our retreat is this week, Saturday, February 22 at Chapel of the Cross, 304 E. Franklin Stl, Chapel Hill, from 9:30 am until 3pm.  (It’s just down the street from University United Methodist Church where we sang our last concert.)  See 3b for lunch plans!  Please let your liaison, section leader and our Artistic Director know if you won’t be able to attend.

3b. Retreat Lunch: Thanks to all who have already signed up. There’s still time to add your contribution, if you haven’t been able to sign up yet. We are asking for you to consider bringing utensils for yourself or use the paper products that we will bring from those that are still on hand. (Future purchases will be for recyclable place settings.) Please let Meg know if you can come early to the retreat to help set up.  Sign ups:

Spring Retreat Mexican Potluck

4. Concert Ads:
Most of you know how soliciting ads for our concert programs helps our bottom line. I will contact our new members separately in order to explain the drill. Meanwhile, we are counting on your support in this effort. If you have successfully solicited ads in the past, please reach out to those businesses again. If you have never tried, now is a good time!

Elisabeth will have printed ad forms with her at each rehearsal, and is happy to answer any questions you may have about how, when, why and wherefore. Ad forms are also available electronically (attached). The deadline for getting the ad copy to Karla for inclusion in the spring concert program is March 23, 2020. Note that this is a shorter than usual lead time. Direct questions to Elisabeth at rehearsal or at  or 919-428-1257 or 919-636-7346.

5. Concert Video Recording: As LJ mentioned, the video recordings have also been uploaded to our youtube channel. The full playlist is available here: PLEASE share with your friends and ask them to subscribe to our channel.

Best –

Kay Johnson, WVC President