Dear Singers,

Hello everyone,

Tonight I am happy to announce that auditions were a success and we have invited 8 singers to join our ranks.  Please help me to welcome our new members:
Julianna Vance (S1)
Katy Lyons (S1)
Talia Brennen (S2)
Bri Bryan (A1)
Emily Hagstrom (A1)
Diana Skeffington (A1)
Ainsleigh Johnson (A2)
Erin Pratt (A2)
Welcome to Women’s Voices Chorus!

Name Tags – if you need a new lanyard, holder, or name tag, please let Wendy Hua (, our Membership Chair, know so she can provide you with a replacement.

Practice Files – all of the practice files are up on our website already and are ready for you to dig in and start exploring our music for the Spring season.  Thank you Laura and Karla for making that happen.

Shout outs! – This week’s Shout Out is for Kinley Russell (again so she can wear the tiara if she so chooses) – our fearless Logistics Chair.  This was Kinley’s first concert as Logistics Chair and she was incredible!  There are tons of details that need to be handled within a short time frame.  Due to her amazing organizational skills and much planning, our concert went off without a hitch.  Thank you, Kinley.

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

See you tomorrow night!

Janet Huebner,
President, Women’s Voices Chorus