Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to our Spring Semester! I am delighted to announce that auditions were a tremendous success resulting in our adding 7 new singers to our community:
Carrie Boone (S2) – Buddy: Carly Bunch
Carol Mansfield (S2) – Buddy: Virginia Kraus
Kristin De Havilland (A1) – Buddy: Marsha Ferguson
Cecelia Gulley Massimilla (A1) – Buddy: Anne Menkens
Edie Stuber (A1) – Buddy: Sue Gidwitz
Lisa Lachot (A2) – Buddy: Betty Schumacher
Lesley Pond (A2) – Buddy: Susanna Lambert
I also want to welcome back Deb Gauldin (S1), Amie Tedeschi (S2), Sarah Town (S2), and Susanna Lambert (A2) from their Leave of Absence. I have attached the ‘Splits’ for this semester which indicates your assigned parts and circles.
Spring Schedule: Please see the attached schedule and mark your calendars. If you need to miss a rehearsal, please let Laura, your section leader, and your membership liaison know. Due to the short timeline, only three absences are allowed during the Spring Season.
Updated splits.
Practice Files: Practice files are up on our website. If you find any errors or broken links, please let Karla know (kmkbyrnes@gmail.com) as soon as possible. Making changes in the new YouTube format is more complicated than it used to be.
Community Building Activity: The Diversity Committee would like to offer a movie and discussion some weekend this spring. We will be showing American Fiction, a film about a Black writer who writes a stereotypically “Black” novel as a parody, but the White elite take it seriously. Check out the trailer here. So that we can decide when and where to hold this event, we would love for you to fill out this two-question survey telling us whether you might be interested and what days might work best for you. If you are interested, please respond by Sunday, February 16th so plans can be solidified.
Funds Raised to Date – see the attached graphic for funds raised as of 1/31/2025
Volunteer Needed: We are seeking a volunteer to serve as the Program Ad Manager for the Spring Season. The task involves reminding people to sell ads and collecting orders. These ads are critical to us meeting our fundraising goals. Please see Sarah if you are interested.
Birthdays: Please join me in celebrating our sisters born in February – Laura Sam (2/1), Jackie Little (2/3), Kinley Russell (2/4), Mia Prior (2/10), Amie Tedeschi (2/10), and Carly Bunch (2/27).
Zoom: If you need to attend rehearsal via Zoom, please remember to let Laura, your section leader and membership liaison know. You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
Thanks everyone! See you tomorrow night.
Janet Huebner