Hello Everyone,

Thanks for a very fun rehearsal last night! It was great to work on some musical details as we took a deep dive into some of our music.

Thanks, Rachel for leading our JOY activity – always wonderful to laugh and share our hidden talents with one another (Beep Beep).
When you have a chance (no deadline or pressure), please complete a survey about yourself – the link is below. This is not required but will be used as a JOY activity.

Getting to know the VOICES of WVC Survey

Upcoming Sectionals (9-9:30ish PM)
2/14 A1
2/21 S2
2/28 S1
3//7 Alto
3/14 Mezzo
3/21 Soprano

Attached is the solfege for major, minor and chromatic scales that we will reference in warm ups. If you don’t already know this, you can learn by rote in rehearsal or print a copy if you prefer.

Attached is also Be Like the Bird by Abbie Betinis in A-minor and with the solfege written out. When you have a chance, write the solfege in your music, please, or print a copy of the attached.

Rehearsal Focus:

Be Like the Bird
– sang through in unison and as a canon
Song of Miriam mm. 1-30
– worked on phrasing, dynamics and diction
The Imaginary Garden mm. 73-90
– worked on the most complex section, adding all of the parts together
– if you have not already, it will be helpful for you to add measure numbers

Looking Ahead to 2/14/22 (Happy Valentine’s Day to YOU!)

She Who Makes Her Meaning Clear
– we will work on balancing the chords of the opening section (mm. 1-49), making sure we hear all pitches clearly, then will work on phrasing/dynamics (mm. 1-56). We will continue to sing through to the end, working on rhythmic clarity and ensemble cohesiveness (mm. 57-end)
Rise Up mm. 54-end
– mm. 54-68 we will focus on tempo, diction, and dynamics
– mm. 69-end we will focus on articulation (accents) and dynamics
Nothing Short of Grace mm. 35-end
– we will focus on ensemble (staying together!), diction, and dynamics
Richer for Her
– we will sing through the piece, focusing on dynamics and shaping phrases
Sing My Child
– we will focus on tempo, diction, intonation
How Can I Keep From Singing
– we will work through the whole piece, focusing primarily on dynamics and diction

As Kay and I have both already mentioned – pace yourself during rehearsal and take breaks as needed.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week – see you Monday!
