Dear singers,
Help our sisterhood by reading through the announcements! We know some of you are aural learners. If so, get a friend to tell you what you would have remembered from the announcements if you were a visual learner.
1. SECTIONALS MONDAY AT 7:30: Since we’re starting off in spaces for sectionals, please remind yourself where you need to be at the 7:30 start of rehearsal!
All Sopranos – Sanctuary – New Building, Same place as where the S1s met last week (Please have all S1s together and all S2s together)
A1 – New Building – Room Across from the “Choir Room” at the back of the building, (Same place as where the mezzos met last week)
A2- Old Building – Our usual rehearsal space
2.Summer Community Chorus: If you haven’t told your membership liaison yet, please let her know if you plan to sing/not sing for the Summer Community Chorus. The Board is making plans based on your responses at the meeting before the rehearsal tomorrow. We would like to make plans based on the most realistic numbers we can.
S1 – Let Wendy know –
S2 – Let Sydney know –
A1 – Let Pauline know –
A2 – Let Sharon know –
Background: After a one summer hiatus, we are looking to return to holding our Summer Community Chorus. The Chorus is open to any treble singers and will benefit a charity. (The particular charity has not yet been selected.) Member participation is welcome and optional. Under the direction of our Artistic Directory, Laura Sam, rehearsals are planned for Monday , June 29, and July 6, 13 and 20. The concert is planned for July 26 with the time and location TBD.
3a. Retreat: Hold the date – Our retreat is coming up fast – Saturday, February 22 at Chapel of the Cross, 304 E. Franklin Stl, Chapel Hill, from 9:30 am until 3pm. (It’s just down the street from University United Methodist Church where we sang our last concert.) See 3a for lunch plans!
3b. Retreat Lunch: For the lunch at retreat we will be having a taco bar! Please sign up through the link below to bring a contribution. There are items that need to be cooked and plenty of things you can just grab at the store. Please let Meg know if you can come early to the retreat to help set up. Sign ups:
Spring Retreat Mexican Potluck
4. Concert Ads: Coming soon! See Elisabeth Curtis (A2) for details on ads for our upcoming concert!
5. Concert Video Recording: As LJ mentioned, the video recordings have also been uploaded to our youtube channel. The full playlist is available here: PLEASE share with your friends and ask them to subscribe to our channel.
6. Music Folder Envelopes: If you aren’t using your manila envelope to keep your music in, Nancy would be happy to receive the envelope back. (If you are using it, no problemo; keep and enjoy!)
Looking forward to a fine night of singing!
One more!
Concert Recordings: We will be making a final batch of CDs for the winter concert this week. If you would like a CD, please let Karla know no later than Monday, February 10 by emailing her directly ( or via the link on the recordings page on the website at – you must be logged in to your account to access it. Links for audio recordings of the winter concert that you can download are also available on the same page. Note that we do not charge for recordings or CDs, but we do welcome donations to help cover the costs of hiring someone to record the concert.
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President