Dear Singers,
Welcome to our first rehearsal of the Spring Season of WVC! Lots of announcements to share. We had wonderful auditions and are delighted to welcome 7 new members!
New members: Please join me in welcoming our new members:
Marley Steffens – S1
Rebecca Bruening – S1 (returning member)
Katie Barton – S1
Carly Broadwell – S2
Sarah Town – S2
Megan Shepherd-Banigan – A1
Christa Abedi – A1
Please see Marsha Ferguson for parking passes. If you should arrive late, please text Marsha at 919-491-3946 and she will open the doors.
COVID Update/Reminder –Rehearsals will continue to be Mask Optional. If you prefer to sit distanced, please feel free to move to another location. As always, if you If you are experiencing COVID-19/cold-like symptoms (unusual for you), you should not attend rehearsal in person but join via Zoom, if you are well enough. If you have a confirmed positive COVID test, please text or email Janet Huebner immediately [(919-906-4599),] so that an email can be sent to all members to let them know that someone has tested positive so they can follow up and get tested themselves if they choose. Your identity will remain anonymous. Zoom rehearsal will be available, but will count as ½ absence toward the 3 allowable absences. The link is included in announcements sent each Sunday.
Concert Links are up! Many thanks to Laura and Karla for uploading all of the files from our most recent concert to the website. Please feel free to share with family and friends. Using the link below, you can access the program as well as the full concert or individual pieces on our YouTube channel.
CVNC Review – I have included the link to the draft of the CVNC review (pending corrections). Our PR Chair, Shelley Turkington, has submitted all of the corrections, but I thought you might like to see the preview.
Funds Raised Update: Attached is the monthly report of funds raised to date. Previously, I had been reporting on Fundraising Efforts exclusively, however, I have now expanded the scope to include the entirety of WVC budget so you can better understand what is required for the chorus to function.
Inreach: Meal Train for Mary Hoover – Several dates still need coverage. If you feel you could help, please sign up to bring a meal. “Bringing” a meal could also be ordering a meal delivery to her house for the meal time.
Volunteers Needed (instructions are provided for all duties)
Zoom Techs Needed: A Zoom Tech needs to be able to arrive by about 7:25, ready to be made a co-host and admit folks to the Zoom rehearsal session; she needs to check the chat room occasionally throughout the evening to ensure that there are not problems that we could solve for the Zoom members.) If you are interested in helping out with this, please see our Music Chair, Kay Johnson.
Spring Ad Manager: Sheila is taking a leave of absence this semester and we are in need of someone to be the Spring Ad Manager for our concert program. If you are interested, please see our Fundraising Chair, Anne Menkens.
Birthdays: Please join me in wishing a very Happy Birthday to the following members having birthdays in the month of February: Laura Sam (2/1), Jackie Little (2/3), Kinley Russell (2/4), Mia Prior (2/10), Amie Tedeschi (2/10), Amy Glass (2/19), and Marley Steffens (2/27). We celebrate you!
Zoom Link for Rehearsal: You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.
Thanks everyone – see you tomorrow night!
Janet Huebner,
President, Women’s Voices Chorus