Dear Singer,
- New Members: Welcome to our newly auditioned members! Kimberly Slentz-Kesler (A2), Kathleen Jasinkas (S1), and Whitney Hughes (S2).
- Absence Policy Reminder: Regular attendance is vital to the health of any chorus. Tone, blend, vocal production, and a host of other choral skills are honed at rehearsal, and inconsistent attendance weakens both the musicality and morale of the group. The membership liaison of each section will take attendance. Please let her, your section leader, and the AD know about any absences you can predict. For last-minute problems, ALWAYS phone or e-mail Laura Sam at (336) 263-7754 or and leave a message.
- Summer Community Chorus Opportunity: After a one summer hiatus, we are looking to return to holding our Summer Community Chorus. The Chorus is open to any treble singers and will benefit a charity. (The particular charity has not yet been selected.) Member participation is welcome and optional. Under the direction of our Artistic Directory, Laura Sam, rehearsals are planned for Monday , June 29, and July 6, 13 and 20. The concert is planned for July 26 with the time and location TBD. We will take a poll at the rehearsal on Monday to determine interest. Please check your calendar so that we can have a good sense of member interest.
- WVC Strategic Planning Retreat Update: Thank you to all of you who participated in the WVC Strategic Planning Retreat on Saturday! We want to offer special thanks to Shelley Hetke, Strategic Planning Coordinator, Pauline Robinson, Survey Developer, and Jasmine Trinks who took notes so all the others could focus on Strategic Planning.
Based on the results of the meeting, we have 3 Task Forces: Music and Personal Accountability, Lara Olson, Chair; Fund Development, Rah Binkley, Chair; and Governance, Kay Johnson, Chair. We will keep you informed of the results of Strategic Planning and the Task Force work as the reports become available.
- WVC Board Meeting: Monday, February 13 at 6:15 at HTLC. As usual WVC members are welcome.
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President