Dear Singers,

It’s Concert Week Everyone!

IMPORTANT:  Our technical rehearsals will be held at our concert venue:  United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Chapel Hill from 7-10PM. There will be a UNC Men’s Basketball game tomorrow night in Chapel Hill at 7PM so expect traffic to be increased. Please be sure to leave ample time to arrive at our rehearsal location and be ready to sing at 7PM. Please wear comfortable clothes and your most comfortable shoes.  Efforts will be made to have ample time to sit and rest so we are not on our feet for 4 hours. At tech rehearsal as well as on concert day, please refrain from any scents (natural or otherwise) as we have singers with sensitivities. Folders and scarves will be available at tech rehearsals if you have not already picked them up. Finally, please remember that we will need to make some minor adjustments to optimize our performance space so thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience.

Concert Tickets – All unsold tickets and money are due tomorrow Monday, January 22.

Will call is available at the box office if you have a need to get tickets to a concertgoer. Please put the tickets in an envelope with the name of the concertgoer. You can give Allison Mangin the envelope anytime prior to the concert, or you can leave it at the box office on the day of the concert.


30th Anniversary Reception – We will be hosting a reception for our guests after our concert on January 27th in the Fellowship Hall at UCCH. If you are willing to provide a platter for this event or willing to help clean up after the event, please sign up here: We ask that you bring your food to share on a nice plate/platter.  Please put a piece of masking tape on the bottom with your name clearly written so we can make sure it is returned to you.  We will put all remaining platters in a bin during clean-up and bring them to the listening party on Monday, January 29th

Listening Party – After every concert, WVC meets together on the Monday night after the concert to share a potluck meal and to listen to the recording (unedited) of our concert. The winter listening party will be held on Monday Jan 29 from 6:30p-8:30p in our usual rehearsal space. Please sign up for the potluck here: We hope to see everyone there!

Registration for Spring Semester – In preparation for our next season, we are asking all members to indicate if they will be continuing to sing with us. Please take a minute (literally) to fill out the registration form before January 22.  Here is the link: This will make our preparations much easier.  Thanks in advance.

Shout outs! – I would like to recognize our new members and congratulate them on their first concert with WVC:  Marissa Goodall, Genevieve DiAlmeida, Ellie Bautista, Pauline Robinson (returning), Debbie Russell, and Megan Hast.  We are so grateful to have you all as members of Women’s Voices Chorus!

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

See you tomorrow night!