Dear Singers,
We’re looking forward to the New Year with song!
Lots of logistical details that should help us navigate our first concert this year:
1) Dues: Karla will be collecting the third and final dues payment of $50 at Monday’s rehearsal, January 6. You may pay by cash or check in person or by credit card online at (scroll down, a $2 charge is added for credit card payments to cover our fees.) Note that in order to sing in the January concert, your dues must be paid in full. As always, if you have questions about your balance or would like to make alternate payment arrangements, contact Treasurer Karla Byrnes ( Additional donations above your balance are welcome.
2) Tech Rehearsals: Our next two rehearsals after tomorrow night are Monday, Jan. 13 at University United Methodist Church, and Thursday, Jan. 16 at our usual rehearsal space at Holy Trinity. Both rehearsals are 7:00-10:00 pm. Attendance is required at these Technical
Rehearsals. Be sure to give yourselves plenty of time to arrive, park and get settled in so we can start on time.
3) Concert Related Announcements
Scarves: Pauline will have scarves for borrowing or buying on Monday, Jan. 6 and 13. Make sure you have the correct color scarf (winter or all-season). Concert dress requirements are in the Chorus Handbook.
Folders: Sue Regier will have black concert folders for borrowing if you need one this Monday, Jan. 6 so you can get your music in concert order (file with concert order attached.) As we did last year, you will be loaned a folder for the season, to be returned after our final performance. You may use your own folder if you have one as long as it looks identical to a ‘Standard Black Folder.’ If you are not returning in spring, please return borrowed folders immediately after the concert.
Special seating or parking: If you or your guests need special seating or parking for the concert, please let Cheryl know no later than Thursday, January 16 (sooner if possible.)
Tickets: I hope your ticket sales are coming along well! All tickets and proceeds are due to be returned no later than our first Technical Rehearsal on January 13. Allison Mangin (S2) can answer any questions you may have.
Concert Childcare: Free childcare will be available at our January 18, 2020 Concert from 2:30-4:30 p.m. for the children of anyone attending or performing in the concert. Please preregister online at by Friday, January 10 with your child(ren)'s name(s) and age(s). This service will be provided by paid University UMC childcare staff. See an usher or someone at the ticket tables for directions to the childcare room.
Helpers needed: Please contact our Logistics chair, Cheryl Denardo if you or someone you know could help out at the Jan. 13 tech rehearsal or at the concert. We need help with setup, cleanup, and more.
Ushers: For our concert on Saturday, January 18 at University United Methodist Church in Chapel Hill, we will need three pairs of ushers to take tickets and hand out programs. The ushers will need to be there from 2:00 p.m. until shortly after the concert starts at 3:00 p.m., at which time they can morph into audience members. All workers will be given comp tickets. Any help they can give after the concert cleaning up is also appreciated. The ushers cannot be WVC members singing at the concert, but can be WVC not singing at the concert (like members on leave), relatives, and friends. Does anybody know of a spouse/partner, friend, or willing high school student who could help us out with this important piece of our concert? (Sometimes high school students are required to do a specific number of volunteer hours, so this is maybe an option.) Please let me know if you can enlist someone to help. My email is and my phone number is 510-213-3494.
4) Listening Party: Join us for our post-concert Listening Party Pot Luck to celebrate our Winter Concert on Monday, January 20 (the Monday after the concert) at 6:30pm! Shelley H (S2) has graciously offered her lovely home at 800 Shadylawn Road in Chapel Hill, 27514. There is parking along the street but we encourage carpooling. Please leave the driveway free for those who have limited mobility as the street and driveway are hilly. In planning on what to bring, Please bring your dish ready to serve with whatever serving utensil is needed. We don’t want to raid Shelley’s kitchen for serving dishes and utensils! We will provide non-alcoholic beverages but please bring anything else that you want to drink! As always, if you have dietary restrictions, bring something you can eat. Please contact Meg ( ) with any questions.
5) Music: Look over your music. It’s always nice renew acquaintances before we come together!
Best –
Kay Johnson, WVC President
P.S. Go ahead and put your music in program order!