Dear Singers,

Happy New Year to you all!  I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends to celebrate the holidays and the coming of the New Year.
It is Concert Month! I hope you are all getting excited about sharing our repertoire with our audience! 

  • Concert Tickets – If you have any questions, reach out to Allison Mangin (S2), our Ticket Manager. All unsold tickets and money are due on Monday, Jan 16.  If you would like to pay for presale tickets with Venmo (@WomensVoicesChorus) or PayPal (
  • Have ticket purchasers pay you directly and pay the total from your account.
  • Add a note to the online payment that it is for presale tickets and include your name.
  • Hand in your envelope with the types of tickets sold and the amount collected, note that it was paid on Venmo or PayPal, and include your Venmo id or PayPal email address.
  • Concert Dress – Reminder that WVC Concert dress is all black, from collar to toe, including shoes and stockings:

Black tops (3/4 length sleeves or longer) – no beads, sequins, netting, lace, velvet, etc.
Black floor-length dress pants or skirts (no patterns, velvet, ruffles, or tiers).
Black opaque stockings/tights and black closed-toe shoes.
We also wear seasonal scarves, which can be purchased for $10 or borrowed. These will be available the week of the technical rehearsal.

  • Update Status – If you have been on a Leave of Absence, we are very much looking forward to welcoming you back in the Spring!

Please notify Laura, your section leader and/or your Membership Liaisons of the following as soon as possible:
1)      If you will not be singing in the concert,
2)      If you will be requesting a Leave of Absence for Spring,
3)      If you will be terminating your membership/not returning in the Spring

  • Auditions – Auditions for next season will be held on February 2nd so if you have a friend who sings like a nightingale and is interested in joining us, please let them know the details.

Zoom Link for Rehearsal:  You can join the Zoom Rehearsals here. Meeting ID: 858 3293 4624; Password: 121074.

Thanks everyone – see you tomorrow night!